nadia with green background

Nadia Abrahamsen

Founder / festival director / producer / programming director

nadia with green background

Siri Súsonnudóttir Hansen

Marketing & Communication / FIMFF Generation Coordinator

Dan on a chair

Dan Helgi í Gong

Coordinator / Programmer / Art Curator

Elisabeth S. Olsen

Coordinator / Volunteer Coordinator

nadia with green background

Leo Lávík

FIMFF Outreach coordinator

Karina Jákupsdóttir

Volunteer / Translator



Daniel Arzola

Poster Design

Laila Mote

Brochure Design

Jákup Skovsgård Thøgersen

Logo Animation

Vælkomin til 7. útgávuna av Faroe Islands International Minority Film Festival (FIMFF)! 


Hvørt ár fáa vit íblástur frá hendingum kring okkum, harímillum samrøðum um LGBTQ+ rættindi, ella mangul uppá sama, átrúnaða og politiskari uppreistran, og saman tilrættisleggja vit skránna til tín við filmi, samrøðum og altíð onkrum brodda. 

Sum dømi kann nevnast hugtakandi setanarfilmurin “Queendom”, sum vísir okkum, hvussu trans kroppurin gerst eitt politiskt mál. Og vit hava eisini ein kjakfund um løgfrøðiligt kynsskifti. Vit eru errin av at fáa Farideh Asadi og son hennara Aydin Soei á vitjan. Tey koma at greiða frá teirra egnu royndum, tá tey í 1979 máttu flýggja undan iransku stjórnini, og fara at samanbera við uppreisturin í dag. Vit hava bjóðað Lesbisk Salon at hava eitt tiltak í Sirkus um lesbiskar nonnur, og vit enda festivalin við einari skelkandi sannari søgu um kenda sangaran Little Richard, sum alla sína yrkisleið var slóðbrótari ínnan tónleikaheimin. Hann hevði dirvið at koma út sum samkyndur, men stríddist við sína trúarsannføring og giftist tí við einari kvinnu, men seinni kom hann aftur úr skápinum. Ein sera hugtakandi søga og eitt sterkt ískoyti til skránna í ár. Umframt festivalin hesa vikuna fara vit eisini at hava sýningar hvønn mánaða frá septembur til desembur, har vit vísa eina rúgvu av úrvaldum filmum. Tað gleða vit okkum til. 

Hóast vit eru ovurfegin um at kunna halda festivalin aftur í ár, eri eg samstundis vónbrotin um tær stóru avbjóðingarnar vit høvdu við at innsavna nóg nógva fígging til at halda festivalin koyrandi. Avleiðingarnar av skerjingini á fíggjarætlanini á mentanarøkinum hevur eisini ávirkan á minnilutatiltøk so sum FIMFF. Av tí at hetta er eitt øðrvísi tiltak, hava vit ofta trupult við at finna stuðul her heima, um vit samanlíkna við tann stuðul kvir og minnilutafestivalar í grannalondum okkara fáa.

Um hetta heldur fram, má eg ásanna, at framtíðin hjá FIMFF hongur í óvissuni. Hóast avbjóðingarnar, átaka vit okkum at ríka okkara felagsskap við hesi fjølbroyttu og umfevnandi skrá, sum eg trúgvi hevur ein týðandi leiklut í okkara mentanarmenning. 

Eg vil fegin nýta høvi at takka Nordic Culture Fund fyri teirra óvikandi stuðul og áhaldandi fígging, sum ger tað møguligt hjá okkum at halda fram. Vit takka Mentamálaráðnum og Tórshavnar Kommunu fyri stuðulin. Ein serlig tøkk til Norðurlandahúsið fyri samstarvið og viljan at vera vertur aftur í ár.

Eg vil eisini hjartaliga takka øllum teimum sjálvbodnu, sum við teirra stóra arbeiði og eldhuga gera tað møguligt fyri okkum at fáa eina týdningarmikla og litríka skrá. Uttan tey/tykkum, hevði hetta ikki borið til.

Eg fari at heita á tykkum at hyggja gjølla at skránni, og eg vóni at vit áhaldandi kunnu standa saman um at fagna gandakendu filmslistini og kraftini í fevnandi samrøðum, rótfestar í samhuga. Síggjast á festivalinum!

I eagerly invite you to explore our program, and I hope together we can sustain and celebrate the magic of cinema and the power of inclusive conversations rooted in unity. See you at the festival!

Góðan festival!

Welcome to the 7th edition of the Faroe Islands International Minority Film Festival (FIMFF)! 

Each year we draw inspiration from the events shaping our surroundings – conversations about LGBQ+ rights, or lack thereof, religion and political uprisings, and together we curate a program for you with films, conversations and always something edgy. 

As an example we confront the politicization of the trans body through our captivating opening film “Queendom” and host a discussion about the gender recognition bill. We are also honored to be joined by Farideh Asadi and her son Aydin Soei who will share their personal journey about escaping the Iranian government in ‘79, and draw poignant comparisons to the present-day uprising. We have invited Lesbisk Salon to host an interactive evening in Sirkus about lesbian nuns, and we will close the festival with the genuine and harrowing story of the famous singer Little Richard, who throughout his career, was a pioneering figure in the music industry. He courageously came out as gay, but struggled with religious beliefs leading him to marry a woman, only to later come out again. Truly a compelling narrative and a powerful addition to the program. In addition to the festival week, we will host monthly screenings from September to December, showcasing a curated selection of films that we are eager to present.

While being thrilled to return for another year, I am also disheartened with the significant challenges of raising the funds necessary to sustain the festival. The impact of budget cuts in culture institutions also affect minority events such as FIMFF. Being an unconventional event, we find difficulties securing domestic financial endorsement we see queer and minority festivals in our neighboring countries rely on. If this trajectory continues, I unfortunately see FIMFF’s future hanging in the balance.

Nevertheless, despite obstacles, we are still committed to enriching our community with a diverse and inclusive program, which I believe is an important part of our cultural development.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Nordic Culture Fund, whose unwavering support and continuous funding has been instrumental in sustaining us; thank you to the Culture Ministry and the Municipality of Tórshavn for your support and a special thank you to the Nordic House for your collaboration and your willingness to host the festival.

I also want to give a special thank you to our hardworking volunteers who are passionate about bringing a relevant and creative program to our community, it would not be possible without them.

I eagerly invite you to explore our program, and I hope together we can sustain and celebrate the magic of cinema and the power of inclusive conversations rooted in unity. See you at the festival!

Happy festival!